Ansible Semaphore Documentation


AWS Instance Creation

  1. After logging in, navigate to the ‘Task Templates’ in the nav bar on the left-hand side.

  2. Along the top you will see a list of OS versions to filter tasks by OS. There is also a ‘DB’ filter for databases and other services.

  3. To start a task, click the ‘RUN’ button on the right side of the row for the Task you want to execute.

  4. You will now see a pop-up window showing 5 entry fields. Only the first 2, SSO Email and password, are required fields.
    • SSO Email - NEW Micro Focus Email to authenticate with MF 2FA. DO NOT use your MF username, it will fail.
    • SSO Password - NEW Micro Focus Password to Authenticate with MF 2FA.
    • SSO Method - SSO Authentication method to use. 1=SmartPhonePush 2=TOTP (default=1)
    • SSO Token - Valid authentication token to use for TOTP.
    • VM Count - Number of duplicate EC2 instances to create (default=1).
    • AWS Region - Region where you want the EC2 instance to be created. 1=EMEA 2=AMS 3=APJ (default=1)

    NOTE: Unless you are creating and testing new Tasks, there is no need to check any of the checkboxes at the bottom.

  5. A Task Console window will appear, while the EC2 instance is being created.
    You can safely close the browser now or leave it open to monitor its creation. If you want to come back to the task later to check progress, take note of the Task number. When you return, open the Dashboard and click on the ‘History’ tab. The find your Task and click the Task number to re-open the Task console.

  6. Once the Task has completed and is marked as a ‘Success’, scroll to the very bottom of the Task console, and you will see the EC2 Instance details like public IP/DNS and database connection information.

NOTE: If a task fails, check the Task console to see where it has failed. If it failed on SSO authentication try again or check that 2FA is still working elsewhere.
If it failed elsewhere in the script, report the issue (including the Task number) to an admin to check the problem.

Additional Details

Supported OS / Products

Windows Server 2022

Windows Server 2019




Ubuntu 22.04

NOTE: Patch Updates will be added as they become GA.


ED/ES and AcuCOBOL-GT extend are all licensed, ready to use.


ED/ES 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 and 10.0 tasks will also install and setup ADLDS (Windows) OpenLDAP (Linux).
The connection details are automatically added into ESCWA using the API.


BASE DN - CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=local
Authorized ID - CN=MFReader,CN=ADAM Users,CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=local
LDAP URL - ldap://localhost:389


BASE DN - cn=Micro Focus,dc=secldap,dc=com
Authorized ID - cn=Manager,dc=secldap,dc=com
LDAP URL - ldap://localhost:389

ODBC Drivers/Libraries



Stopping/Terminating Instances

Semaphore is only for the creation and initial configuration of AWS EC2 Instances. To stop, terminate or re-start instances you need to use the AWS portal.


Connection Issues

AWS EC2 security groups act as virtual firewalls for your EC2 instances, controlling inbound and outbound traffic. They define which protocols, ports, and IP ranges can access your instances. Adding your external/public IP address allows you to connect to your EC2 instances securely by specifying that only traffic from your specific IP address is permitted, enhancing security by limiting access to trusted sources.

To view the security groups attached to an EC2 instance, you can navigate to the AWS Management Console and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Select “Instances” from the left-hand navigation pane.
  3. Choose the EC2 instance you’re interested in.
  4. Select the “Security” tab in the instance details pane.
  5. Below the header “Security groups” you’ll see a list of security groups attached to the EC2 instance, along with their names and IDs.


To add your external/public IP address to the security group:

  1. Click ‘Edit inbound rules’ -> ‘Add rule’.
  2. Add your external/public IP address (appended with /32), Type ‘All traffic’ and a name for the rule.
  3. Click ‘Save rules’.